Monday, February 7, 2011

Reasons to LIKE Cleveland...

I've noticed that I do a lot of complaining about Cleveland... but really... it's not that bad. And considering I've been accepted to Baldwin Wallace it seems I'm going to stick around here for a while, so I need to start looking at the cup as half-full. Cleveland is really not that bad. First I'll just say that a lot until I start believing it. But really - all joking aside... we have a lot to appreciate here. So here are a few things I've come up with to share with you all (whether you're from here or not) as to why we should love the great city of Cleveland.

  • No Natural Disasters - Aside from the occasional 'severe storm' we are free from ever having to worry about earthquakes (significant ones, at least), hurricanes, wildfires or tsunamis.
  • Dick Goddard - just in case of the event of a catastrophic weather condition, we've had him around for the past 90 years to warn us about it.
  • 4 Lovely Seasons - if it weren't for the 6 months of lake effect snow and negative temperatures and the sun setting at 4:30 pm, we wouldn't appreciate the first hints of spring and then our balmy summers so much. Plus we can throw warm drinks outside in the snow and in 5 minutes they're chilled! And honestly, it doesn't get much better then the months of September and October when our trees are in full color and the Brown's begin "their best season yet..." - just as they always do.
  • Live Music - there are tons of dive bars and musical venues to attend. Parkview Nightclub is at the top of my list with open-mic night on Wednesday nights and featured artists on the weekends. Plus great food and atmosphere - feels like family every time I go, which is pretty much every week. Yep, "We're allll their sisters..." when we walk through the doors.
  • Little Italy - amazing food and wine. Plus the Feast of the Assumption every year which, if you've ever been, always turns out to be a complete riot by 11 pm.
  • Severance Hall - home of our world-known Cleveland Orchestra. It's an amazing building, the architecture and interior gives Carnegie Hall a run for it's money... and it's in an amazing location right next to the Museum of Art, which is another great (free) attraction that C-town has to offer.
  • Coventry - Big Fun, Tommy's, The Grog Shop, with a ton of other things to do. My favorite place is The Cave, a wine bar with hundreds of different wine to try along with an eclectic assortment of bottled beers...
  • Great Lakes Brewery - life would not be the same without Christmas Ale.
  • The "FREE" Stamp - if you don't know, come visit and I'll take you there. Woo hoo.
  • Metroparks - rivers, hiking trails, gorges, just some really great places to spend outside.
  • Neighbors Who Help You Shovel Your Drive or Pull You Out of a Ditch - they know you'd repay the favor... and most likely at some point you'll have no choice
  • Lake Erie Lighthouse - it freezes into an unrecognizable blob and attracts tourists from all over... Cleveland.
  • Liberties in Solon... Maple Heights... Parma... Vermillion... UHMMMMMMMMM
  • My Family - they're pretty cool. Yet another reason Cleveland Rocks, and why you should come visit if you don't live here. Our door is always open!
  • Respect for the "Day of Rest" - nothing is open on Sunday. Ever. So if you are trying to show people around this lovely city, make sure you do it on Friday or Saturday night. And take full advantage of the fact that there is nothing to do on a Sunday.

So. Have I convinced you to come here yet??

How about now??


  1. Your door is always open? I bet your heating bill is really high.

  2. my dad almost had a stroke last month... that should say enough

  3. i'd come for the free stamp, and stay for the company. ;)

  4. #1 reason to like Cleveland? Lindsay Fox!!!
